Computer Vision Systems

is a leading Russian developer focused on
computer vision

Patents for inventions

United States Patent

Stereo-approach Distance and Speed Meter

Russian Federation Patent

Способ и система отображения масштабных сцен в режиме реального времени

Russian Federation Patent

Устройство для определения расстояния и скоростей объектов на основе стереоподхода

Who we are

The company brings in world-class experts to work on innovative machine vision solutions. When you drill down to the heart of our hardware and software designed to process images and video, what you find is years of study put in our developers. They’ve dug deeply into pattern recognition, their research run as joint projects between St. Petersburg University’s system programming faculty and Lanit-Tercom.

Our solutions

A scientific framework, top-notch professionalism, and a continual hunt for new ideas lets us create breakthrough technology, unique algorithms, and software without peer anywhere else in the world. No matter how complex the job, our team finds the best, smartest, and most cost-effective solution. Our portfolio includes projects for Russian and foreign clients as well as some of our own patented developments.

Our partners